スペイン数学教育研究学会(Spanish Society for Research in Mathematics Education)での研究発表/Research Presentation at the Spanish Society for Research in Mathematics Education
スペインのサラゴサ大学のMnica先生とAntonio先生と数学教育に関する共同研究を進めています。9月4日に、スペイン数学教育研究学会(Spanish Society for Research in Mathematics Education)において、「スペインの数学教員志望の学生が有するメタ認知能力」に関する研究のポスター発表をしました。
I am collaborating with Professor Mónica and Professor Antonio from the University of Zaragoza in Spain on joint research related to mathematics education. On September 4th, we presented a poster at the Spanish Society for Research in Mathematics Education on our study titled “Metacognitive Abilities of Prospective Mathematics Teachers in Spain.”
Teachers are expected not only to transmit knowledge but also to support learners in managing their own learning and fostering metacognitive abilities, enabling them to learn proactively. In order to provide effective support to learners, it is essential that teachers themselves possess advanced metacognitive skills. As a first step, we investigated the metacognitive characteristics of prospective mathematics teachers. Although this presentation focused solely on the results from Spanish students, we are conducting similar research in several countries, including Japan, and have found that these characteristics vary significantly by country. Since metacognitive abilities can be developed through education, these findings may also help characterize the educational features of each country. We plan to continue our comparative research across countries, conduct further analysis, and present our findings in the future.