
LINKS of Research Achievements (研究業績リンク)

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Satoshi Kusaka. The Philosophy of Endogenous Curriculum Development: Insights for Integrating Global Trends and Local Evidence. Mongolian Journal of Educational Research Special Issue 54-61

Zaenuri, Arif Widiyatmoko, Satoshi Kusaka, Muslimah Susilayati, Subhan. Sustainability and Resiliency Skills through STEM Education Technology: A Scoping Review. Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences (PJLSS) 22(2), 18224-18247.

Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana, Satoshi Kusaka, Nur Robiah, Nofikusumawati Peni, Hiroyuki Endo, Ahmad Azhari, Kanako Tanikawa, Cross-cultural insights on computational thinking in geometry: Indonesian and Japanese students’ perspectives. Journal on Mathematics Education 15(2) 613-638.

Cesar Alberto SIMBINE, Satoshi KUSAKA, Hiroki ISHIZAKA. Analysis of Teachers’ Understanding of Representations for Addition with Carrying and Subtraction with Borrowing. NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation, 17, 35-41.

谷川夏菜子, 濱口真由, 川越美和, 日下智志. 中学生が抱える英語学習に関する不安の比較-高知市立義務教育学校土佐山学舎の特別な英語教育カリキュラムに着目して-. 鳴門教育大学国際教育協力研究.17, 29-34.


(翻訳書) 日下智志. 『メタ認知能力を育成する授業づくり: スコットランドの実践を基にした具体的方法』鳥影社

池田亜美, 日下智志, 馬場卓也. 内発的発展の観点からのJICA教育協力案件の再考 ―ケニア中等理数科教育強化計画の事例から―. アフリカ教育研究, 14, 53-65.

Lussy Midani Rizki, Yaya S. Kusumah, Elah Nurlaelah, Satoshi Kusaka. Students’ Mathematical Literacy Based On Visual Learning Style At Junior High School. Jurnal Akademik Pendidikan Matematika, 9(2), 119-1288.

Kency Obed, Satoshi Kusaka. Analysing Teachers’ Perception of the Try-Understand-Apply-Mastered Discovery Learning Processes in Vanuatu Using the Constructivist Grounded Theory Approach. International Journal of Educational Methodology,  9(1), 123-138.

Antero de Almeida NHANTUMBO, Hiroki ISHIZAKA, Satoshi KUSAKA. Review of Competencies in Primary Education Curriculum in Mozambique : How an Assessment is Supposed to Be Done on It in Mathematics?. NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation, 16, 11-19


Satoshi Kusaka, Kizito Ndihokubwayo. Metacognitive Strategies in Solving Mathematical Word Problems: A Case of Rwandan Primary School Learners. SN Social Sciences, 2(9), 1-19.

日下智志. モザンビークの初等数学科におけるローカルカリキュラムの課題と可能性 ―M-GTAを援用したカリキュラム担当者および教員へのインタビューデータの分析から―. 『国際開発学会誌 国際開発研究』 31(1), 131- 140.

Satoshi KUSAKA. Exploring the Endogenous Development of Mathematics Curriculum in the African Context from the Perspective of Educational Borrowing Theory. NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation, 15, 13-24.


溝口達也 編.『新しい算数教育の理論と実践』 分担執筆 担当範囲 第11章第2節 ミネルヴァ書房

Satoshi KUSAKA. Systematizing ICT Education Curriculum for Developing Computational Thinking: Case Studies of Curricula in the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom Journal of Education and Learning, 10(5), 76-76.

Satoshi KUSAKA. Analysis of Learning Difficulties with Fractions in Three African Countries: Focusing on the Scope, Sequence and Models of Fractions. African Journal of Education and Practice, 7(2), 77-91. 

Satoshi KUSAKA. The Role of Curriculum Studies in the Spread of Competency-Based Educational Reforms in African Countries. Africa Educational Research Journal, 11, 26 – 35.


日下智志. 東部および南部アフリカ3か国の意図された数学カリキュラムにおける分数の学 習内容とその配列に関する比較分析- SDGsゴール4達成に向けたアフリカ諸国 数学カリキュラムの基礎的研究-. 『日本アフリカ学会誌 アフリカ研究』 98, 11 – 20. 

Satoshi KUSAKA, Ismael Cassamo Nhêze, Takuya Baba. Analysis of the intended mathematics curriculum revision process in Mozambique from the perspective of relevance. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 1 – 17. 

日下智志. 教育借用理論からみたモザンビークの初等数学カリキュラム改訂 ―教育の内発的発展に焦点をあてて―. 『国際開発学会誌 国際開発研究』 29(2), 89 – 104. 

Nagisa NAKAWA, Satoshi KUSAKA, Masato KOSAKA, Koji WATANABE, Takuya BABA. Primary School Children’s Counting and Number Composition Processes from Two Pilot Studies in Urban Schools in Zambia. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 24(3), 361 – 374. 

Satoshi KUSAKA. Analysis of Mozambican Elementary Mathematics Textbooks Compared with Japanese Textbooks Focusing on Tasks and Exercises Related to the Real World. Global Journal of Educational Studies, 6(1), 1 – 10.

Satoshi KUSAKA. Comparative Analysis of the Primary Mathematics Intended Curriculum between Mozambique and Portugal: Current Situation of the Transplanted Curriculum. International Journal of Curriculum Development and Practice, 22(1), 1-13.


Satoshi KUSAKA. Issue Analysis of Competency-Based Mathematics Curriculum Design in African Countries: A Case Study of Mozambique’s Primary Mathematics Education. Journal of Education and Learning, 9(1), 41 – 50.

BABA, T, NAKAWA, N, NKHATA B, AUTHER M, BARBARA M, EMMANUEL K, KOSAKA M, KUSAKA S, MAMBWE B, NKHALAMO C. J, WATANABE K. The Development of an Assessment Instrument for Numeracy Competence and its Application to Selected Primary Schools in Zambia. Zambia Journal of Teacher Professional Growth (ZJTPG), 5(2), 72 – 79. 


日下智志. 意図された数学カリキュラムの社会文化的視座からの分析枠組みの提案 : モザンビークを参照した枠組みの基礎構造における妥当性の検討.全国数学教育学会誌 数学教育学研究』 24(2), 67 – 76.