全国数学教育学会第61回研究発表会/The 61st Annual Research Presentation Conference of the Japan Society of Mathematical Education


数学の学業成績␃影響を与えるレジリエンス要因の検討: PISA2022調査の二次分析を基にして
At the 61st Annual Research Presentation Conference of the Japan Society of Mathematical Education, Kazunari Sekiya, a first-year master’s student, and Mr. Takemura from the Tosayamagakusya, Kochi City Public Compulsory Education, with Kusaka delivered an oral presentation.
Mr. Sekiya successfully summarized his massive big data analysis using PISA data for his secondary analysis presentation. Mr. Takemura detailed his practical implementation of ICT in mathematics lessons. Both presenters spoke clearly and thoroughly, responding calmly and accurately to participants’ questions, which was a valuable learning experience for me as well.
Through the presentations, we identified future challenges, such as conducting more detailed analyses and evaluations of big data and establishing evidence on the effectiveness of ICT tools in education. I look forward to collaborating and brainstorming with you to address these issues.
Mr. Sekiya and Mr. Takemura, congratulations on your excellent presentations

This year’s conference was held at Kanto Gakuin University, where Dr. Nagisa Nakawa, with whom we had a research exchange in Naruto last year, is based.
Dr. Nakawa, thank you very much for hosting such a wonderful event!
Presentation Titles:
Kazunari Sekiya
“Examining Resilience Factors Affecting Mathematics Academic Performance: A Secondary Analysis Based on the PISA 2022 Survey”
Taiki Takemura & Satoshi Kusaka
“Lesson Design Utilizing One-to-One Devices in Learning Area of a Circle: A Comparative Study of Learning Activities with Conventional Methods”