日下研究室夏合宿/Kusaka Lab summer camp

沖縄キリスト教学院大学では、ブロディ ダニエル (Daniel Broudy)教授にプロパガンダモデルについて特別講義を頂き、先生のゼミ生の方や一般に参加される方と対談を行います(URL及びポスター参照)。沖縄国際大学では、シンプソン・ピーター(Simpson Peter)教授のゼミ生と研究交流を行います。金武町金武小学校では、日下の大学時代に同じ学部で勉強した井上雅博教頭先生に、沖縄の教育の特色についてご講義いただきます。訪問させて頂く各大学及び小学校の皆さまに心より感謝申し上げます。
For this year’s , we are going to Okinawa from August 21 to 23! In Okinawa, we will visit Okinawa Christian University, Okinawa International University, and Kin Elementary School in Kin Town.
At Okinawa Christian University, we will have a special lecture on the propaganda model by Professor Daniel Broudy, followed by a discussion with his seminar students and other participants (please refer to the URL and poster for details). At Okinawa International University, we will have a research exchange with the seminar students of Professor Simpson Peter. At Kin Elementary School in Kin Town, we will receive a lecture on the characteristics of Okinawan education from Vice Principal Masahiro Inoue, who studied in the same department as Kusaka during his university days. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone at the universities and elementary school we will be visiting.
While the content of the lectures and activities may not be directly related to the students’ or my own field of expertise, they offer a valuable opportunity to broaden our perspectives and ways of thinking. We try to learn as much as we can.
Additionally, we hope that through these exchanges, the universities and elementary schools we visit will gain some awareness of the “Naruto University of Education and Global Education Course”!