KUSAKA LABのロゴの作成 ”Creating the logo for KUSAKA LAB.”

【English follows after Japanese】
Mr. Kazunari Sekiya, a first-year master’s student, created this logo using generative AI for Kusaka lab. The logo will be updated across all Kusaka Laboratory’s social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, to unify our digital presence. This logo carries a range of symbolic meanings associated with its geometric shape.
◎The central circle represents the transparency and clarity of research that reveals knowledge and truth, demonstrating the lab’s commitment to openness and the pursuit of truth.
◎The curves surrounding the circle gently embrace it, signifying the collaborative spirit, the support among members, and our collective growth.
◎Additionally, the circle being partially open represents the lab’s accessibility to everyone, highlighting our openness to society.
◎The shape of the curves evokes the letter ‘C,’ reflecting our dedication to ‘Communication,’ ‘Collaboration,’ and ‘Creativity’ as our guiding principles.
Actually, the meaning behind this logo was developed by a generative AI as well. It could be said that the AI helped us articulate what we were subconsciously aware of. On the other hand, even though it wasn’t that we had a particularly strong belief or motivation from the beginning, we just tried things out, then had the AI give us reasons for the design afterwards, which we found convincing. It’s a sense-making and purpose-finding that seems to align well with the fluid and dynamic nature of the times we live in. Anyway, we will continue to work diligently every day to become the community represented this logo!!