Oral presentation at the 24th Spring conference of JASID(Japan Society for International Development)第24回国際開発学会春季大会での発表
Manuel, Kana, Yusuke & Simbine made an oral presentation at the 24th Spring conference of JASID(Japan Society for International Development)
Research on the Effect of the Improvisation of Teaching Materials in Angola: Focus on the Secondary School Chemistry Teachers
Manuel Jordão
Manuel Jordão
モザンビーク教育大学学生の教職志望動機に関する一考察-FIT-Choice 尺度を活用して-
谷川 夏菜子、脇田 祐輔、Simbine Alberto、日下 智志
谷川 夏菜子、脇田 祐輔、Simbine Alberto、日下 智志