徳島ガンバロウズ応援企画第2弾/Tokushima Gambarous Support Campaign, Round 2!

KUSAKA LAB P.F.Eは、バスケットボールを通じて徳島から日本を元気にするという理念に賛同し、ガンバロウズをサポートカンパニーとして応援させていただいています。
Tokushima Gambarous Support Project
The next home games will be held on November 23 and 24 at Amino Value Hall! We have received 100 free tickets each for affiliates of Naruto University of Education. You can apply through the QR code on the poster or via the URL posted on Livecampus.
This time, there is no limit on the number of tickets per person, and people outside of the university are also eligible! (Please only request the number of tickets for those who plan to attend). If you’re interested in going, please let us know!
We’d be happy to support Tokushima Gam
barous together with everyone at the venue!
KUSAKA LAB P.F.E supports the vision of energizing Japan from Tokushima through basketball, and proudly backs the Gambarous as a supporting company.