LINKS of Research Achievements (研究業績リンク)
Research map:
University Website
招待講演/Invited Lecture
Satoshi Kusaka. Philosophy of Endogenous Curriculum Development: Insights for Integrating Global Trends and Local Evidence. DEVELOPMENTAL PHILOSOPHY OF MONGOLIAN EDUCATION. 28th November 2024
Satoshi Kusaka. Curriculum Structure for Training Pre-service Teachers at Naruto University of Education, Learning Outcome-Based Education, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang: Indonesia, 9th October, 2024
Satoshi Kusaka. What Is Better Use of Metacognitive Abilities?: Setting Mathematics Learning as Starting Point, Consideration on The Use of Metacognitive Abilitiess for Realizing Well-being . The 1st International Conference on Education, Science Technology and Health (ICONESTH) 2023, 12th December, 2023
Satoshi Kusaka. Didactic content of ‘Geometry’ and ‘Measurement’ in relation to the definition and properties of triangles and quadrilaterals. College of Education, Uniersity of Zaragoza, Spain, September, 11th September, 2023
Satoshi Kusaka.Why Do Children Count Numbers All The Time? : Towards Mathematical Structure For All. Ahmad Dahlan University, 10th August, 2023
Satoshi Kusaka. Importance of Misconception in Mathematics learning. Towards Better Education for Human Progress. Ahmad Dahlan University, 2nd March, 2023
Conference presentation/学会発表
Taiki Takemura, Satoshi Kusaka. Lesson Design Utilizing One-to-One Devices in Learning Area of a Circle: A Comparative Study of Learning Activities with Conventional Methods. The 61st Annual Research Conference of the Japan Society for Mathematics Education. 15th Devember 2024
Hiroyuki Endo, Satoshi kusaka. Lessons and Assessments for Fostering Algorithmic Thinking through the Useof Scratch. The JSSE 1st Research Conference conducted in English. 16th November 2024
池田亜美, 日下智志, 馬場卓也. 日本の国際教育協力プロジェクトの「持続性」に 関する考察 ―ケニア理数科教育プロジェクトの事例から―. The 34th Conference of Japan Society for Africa Educational Research (アフリカ教育学会 第34 回大会), 14th October.
Arnal-Palacián, M., Satoshi Kusaka, Oller-Marcén, A.M. Metacognitive abilities of prospective early childhood education teachers in a mathematics education subject. 27th Spanish Society for Research in Mathematics Education Conference. 4th September.
日下智志, ハビマナクラウデ. ルワンダ共和国の高校生の数学の文章問題の解決におけるメタ認知の活用. 48th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Science Education (日本科学教育学会第48回年会), 14th July.
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Satoshi Kusaka. Challenges on implementing local curriculum in mathematics subject: A case of primary school in Mozambique, 15th International Conference on Mathematics Education (ICME-15), TSG5.5: Social and political dimensions of mathematics education, 9th Junly.
, Research on the Foundation of Indonesia Students’ Algorithmic Thinking by Unplugged Programming Test. 15th International Conference on Mathematics Education (ICME-15), TSG 1.9:Teaching and learning of computational thinking, 8th Junly.
池田亜美, 日下智志, 馬場卓也. 国際教育協力によるケニアの理数科教育への影響の考察 ―内発的発展及び教育借用理論の観点から―. The 33rd Conference of Japan Society for Africa Educational Research (アフリカ教育学会第33回大会), 6th April.
遠藤 浩之、谷川 夏菜子、日下 智志. 算数におけるアルゴリズム的思考を育む授業実践 -Scratch用いた多角形の作図課題を通して-. Japan STEM Education Society Expanded Research Meeting (日本STEM教育学会 拡大研究会), 3rd March
Watanabe, K, Nakawa, N, Kosaka, M, Kusaka, S, Baba, T, Arthur, M. Numeracy Skills in Primary School Education in Zambia:Secondary Analysis of JICA Numeracy Project Data. 59th Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education (全国数学教育学会 第59回研究発表会), 16th Decemebr
, Aspects of metacognitive skills in cooperative learning: A case study of a Grade 7 class in Rwanda. 13th Biennial Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Asia, 25th Novemebr
Satoshi Kusaka. Effects of Metacognitive Abilities in Solving Mathematical Word Problems: Case of Rwandan Secondary School Students.
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池田亜美, 日下智志, 馬場卓也. 被援助国関係者の意識変容過程と内発的発展への影響―ケニア及びナイジェリアにおける理数科教育プロジェクトの事例から―The 32st Conference of Japan Society for Africa Educational Research(第32回アフリカ教育学会), 30th September
岸本忠之, 礒田正美, 日下智志, Uki Rahmawati. 算数・数学科カリキュラムにおける教材の系統性の国際比較Ⅱ, 47th JASSE Anual Conference (Japan Society for Science Education) (日本科学教育学会第47回年会), 20th September
谷川 夏菜子, 脇田 祐輔, Simbine Alberto, 日下 智志. モザンビーク教育大学学生の教職志望動機に関する一考察-FIT-Choice 尺度を活用して-. 24th Spring conference of JASID(Japan Society for International Development) (第24回国際開発学会春季大会), 10th June
渡邊耕二, 高阪将人, 中和渚, 日下智志, 馬場卓也. ザンビア共和国の初等教育における児童の計算法略に関する研究. The 31st Conference of Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, 9th April
池田亜美, 日下智志, 馬場卓也. 内発的発展の観点からのJICA教育協力案件の再考 ―ケニア中等理数科教育強化計画の事例から―. The 31st Conference of Japan Society for Africa Educational Research(第31回アフリカ教育学会), 8th April
Kusaka, S. Analysis on Endogenous Mathematics Curriculum Development and Revision in Mozambique -The Case of the 2021 Curriculum Revision-. The 31st Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), 19th January
日下智志. 協同学習におけるメタ認知的スキルの様相に関する一考察 -ルワンダの7年生数学授業を事例として.- 55th Japan Society for Mathematical Education Conference (JSME) (日本数学教育学会 第 55 回秋期研究大会), 12th November
Kusaka, S. Challenges and Possibilities of Primary Mathematics Local Curriculum in Mozambique. Asia Pacific Conference on Curriculum Studies and Instructional Designing (APCCSID), 28th October.
井上省吾, 谷川夏菜子, 眞鍋志野, 石原優人, 南野敏男, 角屋志帆, 日下智志. 自己エスノグラフィーによる「グローバル人材としての自己の変容」に関する考察―インドネシアとのオンライン研究交流会に継続参加した経験を基にして―. The Japan Association for Global Competency Education (JAGCE) The 10th National Conference and 3rd International WEB Conference (グローバル人材育成教育学会 第10回全国大会・第3回国際遠隔会議), 23rd October.
日下智志, 板垣暁歩. モザンビークの数学カリキュラム改訂における内発的発展性に関する考察 -2021年カリキュラム改訂を事例として-. The 58th annual conference of the Japan Comparative Education Society (JCES) (日本比較教育学会 第58回大会), 25th June.
Kusaka, S., Arman. A., Mohammad. S., Sarker. S., & Baba. T. Bangladesh’s Mathematics Curriculum Revision of Primary Education Supported by JICA Technical Cooperation Project. International Cooperation Development in Mathematics Education Discussion Group (ICDME), 12th February
Kusaka, S. Metacognitive strategies in solving mathematical word problems: A case of Rwandan primary school pupils. The 30th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), 20th January
日下智志. モザンビークの初等教育における ローカルカリキュラムの可能性と課題-カリキュラム開発者,教員,生徒へのインタビュー調査から-. The 32nd JASID Annual Conference (国際開発学会第32回全国大会), 20th November
日下智志. ルワンダ小学生の算数文章題解決におけるメタ認知的方略の様相. 54th Japan Society for Mathematical Education Conference (JSME) (日本数学教育学会第 54 回秋期研究大会) 30th October.
Kusaka, S. Transition of Mozambique’s Primary Mathematics Intended Curriculum in Post–colonial Period: A Focus on Adaptation from Exogenous Curriculum. 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME14) , 17th July.
Palan, I., Tandale, S., Lavaki, G., Isoda, M., Kusaka, S., Ito, I. Development of the National Mathematics Textbook in Primary Schools in Papua New Guinea. 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME14) , 13th July.
Yasukawa, N., Kusaka, S., Abe, Y., Oka, A., & Baba. T. Limitations of Conventional Methods and Possibilities of Online Learning Methods for Formation of Local Knowledge: A Case Study of JICA Training. 27th Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, 10th April.
Yasukawa, N., Abe, Y., Oka, A., Kusaka, S., & Baba. T. Exploring the Potentialities of International Online Training: A Case of JICA Training “Mathematics Curriculum Development at Primary Level. 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Curriculum Studies and Instructional Designing (APCCSID), 26th February
Kusaka, S., Analysis of the Teaching Content and Its Order with regard to Fractions in Three Eastern and Southern African Countries. The 29th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), January
日下智志. SDGsゴール4達成に向けたアフリカ諸国数学カリキュラムの基礎的研究-分数の学習内容とその配列に焦点をあてて-. 57th Annual Conference of Japan Association for African Studies (日本アフリカ学会第57回学術大会), 23rd, May.
Kusaka, S., Nhêze, I., Baba, T. An Analysis of the Intended Mathematics Curriculum Revision Process in Mozambique. The 28th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), January
Nakawa, N., Kusaka, S., Kosaka, M., Watanabe, K., & Baba, T. Zambia Children’s Counting and Number Composition Process. The 28th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), January
日下智志. 東部および南部アフリカ3か国における分数の学習内容とその配列に関する比較研究. 51st Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education(全国数学教育学会第51回研究発表会), Hiroshima University (広島大学), 14th, December.
Kusaka, S. Issues in Curriculum Studies Concerning the Spread of Competency-based Curriculum in African Countries. 24th Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, 11th, October.
伊藤明徳,森田裕介,日下智志. パプアニューギニアの初等国定算数教科書の開発と効果. The 35th Annual Conference of Japan Society for Educational Technology (日本教育工学会第35回秋季全国大会), September.
Kusaka, S. Analysis of the characteristics of Mozambican primary mathematics textbooks compared with the Japanese textbooks focusing on tasks and problems related to the real world. The 15th International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project, Maynooth University, 6th August.
Kusaka, S., Nakawa, N., Kosaka, M., Watanabe, K., & Baba, T. Overcoming Counting in Zambia: A Preliminary Analysis of Children’s Number Recognition. 43rd Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 43) , University of Pretoria, July.
Kosaka, M., Nakawa, N., Kusaka, S., Watanabe, K., & Baba, T. Children’s process of counting and composing numbers with locally available material; developing a new assessment tool. 50th Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education (全国数学教育学会第50回研究発表会), Saitama University (埼玉大学), June.
日下智志, 米田勇太, 石坂広樹. アフリカ諸国におけるコンピテンシーに基づいた算数・数学教育設計の課題分析-モザンビーク初等数学教育の事例を通して- 49th Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education (全国数学教育学会第49回研究発表会), Hiroshima University (広島大学), February.
Kusaka, S. Analysis of Primary Mathematics Intended Curriculum between Mozambique and Portugal. 6th World Curriculum Studies Conference, The University of Melbourne, 10th December.
日下智志. モザンビークの数学カリキュラムの比較教育学的研究-ポルトガルを参照とした先進国から移植された意図されたカリキュラムの現状の考察-. 44th Japan Curriculum Research and Development Association (日本教科教育学会 第44回全国大会), Nippon Sport Science University (日本体育大学), 9th September.
日下智志. 日本との比較によるモザンビークの初等数学教科書の特徴分析 -現実世界と関連した問題場面に焦点をあてて-. 48th Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education(全国数学教育学会第47回研究発表会), Hiroshima University(広島大学), 23rd June.
日下智志. 意図された数学カリキュラムの社会文化的視座からの分析枠組みの構築. 47th Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education(全国数学教育学会第47回研究発表会), Hiroshima University(広島大学), 27th January.
Kusaka. S. A Comparative Analysis of Primary Mathematics curriculum -A study of present situation of the curriculum transplanted from developed countries. 46th Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education(全国数学教育学会第46回研究発表会), University of Shiga(滋賀大学), 25th June.